Hello and thank you for coming to this website! 

My name is Elena.  First off let me say that I am just a person giving my opinions based on life experiences.  I am NOT a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist.  I have always loved overanalyzing different situations in everyday life.  Modern Family Relationships is based on the idea that nowadays relationships are so different than they used to be in the past. 

I am a stepparent which has been a very challenging experience unlike any I have known.  My stepson is now an adult and out of the house, but the frustrations and situations that arose in the times he lived with us full time are still fresh in my memory.  Sometimes I still cannot believe what we went through raising him and also that my partner and I were able to keep our relationship from falling apart. 

I read many message boards back in those days, and still do occasionally.  So many people share their frustrations over their situation.  Something that always seems prominent is that their spouse is not on their side, is very defensive about their child, or gives in to every demand of their ex to make parenting easier.  I did research and saw that there are many people asking questions to search engines asking for advise that do not have many answers.  Most of the time people in your life do not understand and will say ridiculous things like “You knew what you were getting into at the start”.  This makes you feel even more upset and alienated.  I strive to help people feel less alone, using my years of experience along with common sense.

From this main topic of stepparenting, I realized that there are also other relationship type issues that people have questions about but with not many answers.  I decided to write articles about these things so that people can see that they are not alone and things will be alright. 

I will freely admit that I am not right all of the time and one person’s opinions can be different than others.  Every relationship is different and you will know best what to do, but reading the thoughts of others can help you get another side of the coin and get some more clarity to your own thoughts.

Thank you again for visiting!